Guys and Girls Having Ability to Switch Hats
G-HATS is a program that punctuates the importance of knowing how to switch between social behaviours in different social environments. We develop capacity in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and civic engagement through capacity building workshops, authentic guest speakers, and field trips. G- HATS provides authentic and sustainable mentoring that prepares our youth for the realities of society and provides a platform for them to develop skills to enhance their lifestyle and be well-equipped citizens.
Our mission is to ensure that youth receive the comprehensive support and mentorship required to enjoy the full benefits of middle-class Canadian society. We provide our youth with social tools to become a better student, employee, entrepreneur, men, and women. We also aim in creating a platform for senior youth to mentor our junior youth.
Our mission will be accomplished by providing youth, via the Entrepreneurial Program with social tools to become a better student, employee, entrepreneur, men, and women (+14). The Entrepreneurial Program’s goals and objectives are to benefit our youth by developing their:​
skills, confidence, and resources to start their own business
knowledge, confidence, and resources to attain financial literacy
library of knowledge through obtaining adequate information about all the Wards in the city of Toronto
understanding and valuing the importance of voting and politics
​platform for senior youth to mentor our junior youth
Included in G-HATS:​
​Entrepreneurship development
Brand Development
Setting up a business
Expressing creativity through art
Investing (Stock Market)
Financial Literacy
Civic Engagement